
Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Forgotten Gardens

                                        Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

                             All the kiddies are back in school and fall is fast approaching......

                                           Guess you are wondering about my heading.....
                                                      forgotten gardens.....

                                           By the time September rolls around I have
                                had enough, tilling and weeding and ...........

                                      Is that true to all or am I the only one
                                          that gets this feeling........

                                          Here is a picture of my roses blooming for the second
                                               time around and they are much healthier looking....

                                                            I followed the instructions that Heather
                                                 at New House New Home gave on pruning them ....

                                                              They are beautiful!

                                                        As I said before don't look at the weeds...

                                                                    My vegetable garden is overgrown......
                                                      Soon all the tomatoes will ripen ....all at once......
                                                                 My zuchini plants produced next to nothing......

                                                                          Never had that problem before....

                                                    The Kale is full and ready to harvest......
                                                             I'll make pesto and freeze it...

                                                                   Harvested 3 large eggplant....WOOO HOOO
                                                                                    never grown this veg before....

                                            that's a laugh...not one.......?????
                                                               Beets....a full crop....

                                                            My corn is amazing....we don't eat's just for
                                                                  the fall......

                                             The sunflower seeds that I planted were for cutting and I did just that
                                                                      and are on display in my living room......

                                                                  Pumpkins....YEH!!! I have
                                                                            they were slow growers......

                                                                   Let's check out the sunflowers in the fire pit
                                                           you know the ones that the birds planted......


                                                                    Huge Heads........

                                                         The birds will have a feast........

                                                           We purchased new upper deck furniture...
                                                                         still on the lookout for a table....
                                                                        thinking of closing in this deck....
                                                                               I'll keep you posted..

                                                       I planted my blue hydrangea in the front garden
                                                               yesterday so that it will get well rooted before
                                                                             the FROST!!!!

                                                                       Now my urn needs to be filled with

                                                          HMMMMM!!! off to Costco today they have
                                                                             huge Mums all the colours.....

                                                             Are you itching to get fall decorating or have
                                                                                        you started already.......

                                                                      As always thanks for stopping by!
                                                                           Leave a message won't you!




  1. I didn't realize that you have such a large garden. I am surprised that your cucumbers didn't grow. That is what goes crazy in our little garden! Our garden is done producing now. I love your huge sunflowers! I would love to have the space to plant corn too. That's a favorite vegetable of mine. Too bad I can't come over and pick some from your garden since you're not eating it. Your new header is pretty.

  2. My zucchini didn't do well, but the tomatoes, lettuce, okra, peas and beans did. I don't do a lot of Fall decorating but I have started to trim back some things in the garden ready for the cold season. I do leave a lot of seed heads of coneflower, zinnias, cosmos and sunflower for the birds to nibble on. It is a hot and muggy day here for the first day back to school.

  3. Linda,
    Your garden is wonderful. Love those sunflowers wow! Gorgeous.

  4. So great that you still have gorgeous flowers this late in the summer!!!....beautiful gardens Linda!

  5. Thanks for the shout-out!! Glad that your roses rebloomed - mine are also blooming again. If we dead head them again, we may get lucky and have one last set later in October.
    I had no luck with my zucchini either - I think it just wasn't hot enough this year. But I had a volunteer pumpkin which has produced two nice sized fruit - can't wait for them to ripen!!

  6. Love the sunflowers. Gardens do get to you by the end of the season. Sorry I have been MIA been getting the new house decorated. Take a look.


  7. Love the new furniture...I would definitely closed in that area even on a cooler windy day you can enjoy the outdoors. We love our enclosed gazebo love to sit out and not be bothered by bugs.
    Love the garden.

  8. Hi Linda....
    No zucchini on my vines either......WTH?
    Your patio looks very it!
    Enjoy these last few weeks of summer...
    Linda :o)
