
Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Planting Paperwhites (Narcissus)


                                                 Yes it's time to plant your Paperwhites (Narcissus)
                                                        It takes 6 - 8 weeks for the flowers to appear.

                  So lets get started shall we.....
                     Supplies you will need....

                     a pot or vase or ......of your choice
                     potting soil...
                     small stones....for drainage
                     paperwhite bulbs

                    or small stones or glass ones
                    in narrow cylinder and just add water is another way........

                                                    I'm using the bottom of a planter....
                                                           first add the stones....

                                                   Next insert the bulbs down into the soil ..
                                                        tip up about 6 inches.....

                                                        Add some moss ...pine cones etc

                                                Place in a sunny window and watch them grow....

                                                           In 6 to 8 weeks you will be enjoying your
                                                                              beautiful creation....


                                                                           Thanks so much for stopping by!
                                                                                  Love hearing from you!


1 comment:

  1. I love the look of this idea for paperwhite bulbs. I decided not to buy them this year but I did buy and plant an amaryllis. I enjoy watching them grow.
