
Monday, 1 December 2014

Painted Snowman Pillow/Pottery Barn Knock Off


                                                              Painted Snowman Pillow

                   Vanessa @ DIY 180 gave me  inspiration to get out my paints
                         when I dropped by and had seen her painted pillow knock off....

                                                        I fell in love with it!!

                                              For the past three years I have made
                                                   Pottery Barn (copy cat) pillows....

                            So why not give it a try......

Pottery Barn                   


                                                                  White Weathered Hutch

                                          I gathered my $ store paints..and washed burlap
                                                        and a piece of cardboard ....

                                                   I wrapped the burlap around the cardboard
                                                              and started painting....

                                                          I'm one of those people who fly
                                                            by the seat of their pants...
                                                             (if you know that expression)

                                            At this point I just wanted to start painting not
                                              knowing what size of pillow form I had or
                                                      how large this snowman would turn out...

                                                               here it is all painted and hanging to dry..

                                                     The only pillow insert I had was a 24 x 24
                                                                       that's too large so I
                                                        did the next best ....and covered a summer
                                                             pillow that was 15 1/2 x 15 1/2.

                                                       I cut my burlap at 16 x16 and used
                                                         painters drop cloth as my backing.
                                                         I made a envelope style for easy
                                                           removal , so come next summer
                                                                   I'll use this again.

                                       I cut my drop cloth 16 x 22 and cut it right down the
                                           middle then sewed a 1/2 seam on both sides.
                                               then right sides facing sew all around the edge
                                                    1/2 inch seam and then turn it inside out..

                              Last year was the Jingle Pillow

                                                       Pottery Barn Inspiration 

 Pottery Barn Lumbar Jingle Pillow

                                  Until next time!



  1. Love your new header and love the pillows. I just love copying the big guys!

  2. Oooo - now I'm inspired to give this a try. It's a great idea to use the same pillow for two seasons and save storage space!

  3. You are so talented! I wish I could paint and sew like you. I can do neither. Your pillows look just as good as the originals!

  4. are S M A R T !
    Great job!
    Linda :o)

  5. I like that very cute ! great job ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  6. Brilliant and so cute! I will try and find time to paint a pillow again this year. Last year I did a red JOY pillow on drop cloth. Easy and fast. My friend asked me to help her make one so we worked on it on our lunch hour one day.

  7. Adorable! You did an amazing job.

  8. You have done an amazing job on the them!!!

  9. It's fabulous!! Why, oh why, would we spend the money when we can make such a great knock-off!!
