Friday, 30 January 2015

An Artist...I try....


                                                    Welcome Friends!

                             Today the sun is shining so bright the thoughts of
                                 spring comes to mind till I open the door
                                    to let the dogs in and that arctic air hits
                                                   you right in the face.

                                           A balmy 5 degrees F. or -14 celcius

                                     I have been busy working on my Face Book
                                                      Page all day.

                                          Now that's a task all in it's own.

                                                  I have had lots of help
                                 from Heather @ New House New Home New Life,
                                                 Thanks for being there for me
                                                 Heather and for your patience.

                                                       If you don't know Heather
                                                 be sure you drop by her blog and
                                                           her  Face Book page .
                                                 She's an avid gardener, she has lots of tips
                                                her gardens are so beautiful, She brings
                                          Vintage back to life with her transformations,
                                                     I hear she is the best at Baking!!!!

                                              I thought I would leave you with this
                                                   cute little fellow that I
                                                        painted last Saturday.

                                               Everyone have a fantastic weekend!



  1. I love your painting. How cute. It is so cold. I know that it is colder other places as well. The forecast for the week-end is not looking good. Have a warm and cozy one.

  2. Lovely painting ! It was a windy cold day here to but the sun was out so that makes it better for me lol . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

  3. That's a cute pup! I 'liked' your Facebook page and will look forward to what you'll be sharing there. Have a cozy weekend.

  4. Such a sweet painting! Stay warm & have a super weekend!

  5. Hey that's a picture of a Boston terrier isn't it? That's great! I will be sure to Like you on facebook.

  6. Your little painting is adorable!

  7. You are most welcome, my friend!!

  8. Hi Linda....
    We are getting clobbered here with snow!
    Happy February....
    Linda :o)
