Friday, 20 July 2012


Hello Friends,
Well what glasses did you think I came home with.
 Tom Ford Model: FT5189

I couldn't just get new glasses without
having my hair cut. You know the two go together.
As you all know my hair is naturally curly , so
I cut it short. Yes you heard it RIGHT.
I cut it. I left the back layered and curly and I
blew the front dry straighter..
Ok , ok so much for the hair.
I know you want to see them..........My old hair style and my old glasses.

Here's the new........

Still pretty out there don't you think .In case you were wondering whose make
TRACTION PRODUCTIONS,(Albane Madras)) made in FRANCE. I guess that's why
I liked them,

I'm still getting used to them. I'm finding that I need to look down more.. 
By the end of this weekend they will feel like I have had them for years.

Thanks for stopping by, I love to hear from you.
Have a great weekend!!



  1. Wow! You look like a movie star ;-)

  2. You look gorgeous and they suit YOU..fantastic. Where did you find such great frames?
    Hope your enjoying this cooler weather. Real treat isn't it.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Love your new glasses and the new haircut. You look amazing. Hugs, Marty

  4. I love them! Your hair looks great & you look like one fun & stylish lady!

  5. They look great!! And love the new 'do' :)
    I too have naturally curly hair, and I always blow dry my bangs matter what style or cut I happen to have. I just like the straight bangs on me, but your curly bangs look good on you as well as the straightened!!

  6. Love the hair and the new glasses...beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!

  7. Your new glasses rock! Love your curls.

  8. Ah yes......good ol natural curly hair. It's a curse sometimes and a blessing other times. I love how your new glasses look and your new "do" too! I think the blessing with curly hair is that we have the volume that everyone wants. The problem is the frizz that often goes along with it. Yours looks nice and tame though. Ha!

  9. You look great. I love your new hairdo and the glasses, too.
