Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Santos Cage Doll

The Post Lady came............

Jumping for joy....... So Excited....... Can you imagine......

She knocked on the door.......

Here you have a package from Santos Cage Doll........

Open it........

Look at all the packing I have to go through..........

can you see me in the box throwing the filling all over the place....

Let me at it.........

Out I pull another box..................................Made in china???????

Hmmm  I guess that's what they meant when they said it was imported.

Anyhow.....My Love Angel (  Nicole Sayer  ).Reproduction.......

Is......... Magnificent!!!   Open that box and inside is............

wrapped in plastic................

Get that plastic off.......................

Now look at her.......  isn't she the most beautiful cage doll that you have ever seen???

She stands 22 inches tall.

Right now I have her on my desk shelf looking down at me.

This is not an paid advertisement for Santos Cage

But I am so thrilled that she arrived in such a short time from Tenn. to Ontario Canada.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving me those lovely comments.
They make my day!!

                              I'm Linking up with :
                               Stone Gable Tutorials and Tidbits
                              Between Naps on A Porch


  1. I can see why you were so excited...she's beautiful!

  2. She is indeed beautiful!

    Thanks for stopping by. I have a closet that was the pantry in the kitchen. A lot of the dish things are in there, plus I have a couple of other cabinets and of course the barn board cabinet in the breakfast room holds quite a bit. I have been going through some of the dishes and giving them to my daughters and granddaughters.

  3. Oh you did end up ordering her!! Oh Linda, she's beautiful! You're going to make me want to one too now. ;D

  4. Linda, that was a worth while package to wait for. She is very beautiful..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  5. She's so pretty Linda! I love where you have her displayed!

  6. Your Santos doll is beautiful. So glad it arrived safely!
    Mary Alice

  7. She is Santos is jelly faced now and wants some wings! LOL
    Hugs, Penny

  8. She is adorable! I got one from them too. I just scratch off the made in china stickers and pretend that didn't happen! I need to put my wings back on mine again...time for the holidays! Enjoy her they are neat!

  9. She is beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  10. Oh, wow, she is beautiful.....lucky you!!!!

  11. I don't think I've ever heard of a cage doll, but she sure is lovely! Wow...she will look so good for so many occasions or just to hang out as general room decor. Pretty choice. Merry early Christmas! :-)

  12. Hi Linda, Oh my, she is soon cute! Enjoy your new treasure.

  13. She's lovely!
    Leslie (aka Gwen Moss)

  14. I have never seen one of those before...but I like her..
    I am sure you will make her look very festive, indeed...

    Linda :o)

  15. Wow, never seen one before but I am truly in love!!!

  16. Linda,
    I haven't been on the blog for about a week so, it looks like I have some catching up to do. LOVE your Santos Cage Doll, never seen or heard of one below today. I'd be throwing those little packing peanuts everywhere too to get to the box!

  17. Where Can I order that doll I love her ?
