Monday, 25 April 2011

Amazing Shopping

Hope everyone had an eventful Easter. We had all our children and granchildren for a total 22.
Ham, mashed potaotes, corn, creamed cauliflower, turnip and can't have ham without brown beans.I also did up a veg chili in the slowcooker. Dessert..  Black forest cake, Lemon tarts and creamy french vanilla ice cream .  I have been off red meat for over a year. That includes butter, eggs, cheese all the good stuff.
I thought I would share with you an amazing store full of beautiful gifts .
The proprietor really knows how to display everything just right.Enjoy..

Can you see that plate rack in the back.(yellow)
I went back for it and of course I was too late. Should have bought it when I saw it.....


  1. Hi Linda! your truck...aren't old trucks the best!

  2. I would have bought that plate rack, too!

    Your Easter menu sounds amazing. Feel free to invite me over anytime!

  3. P.S. Thanks for visiting and becoming a follower. I am now following you, too!

  4. Hi, I'm a new follower, and you Easter dinner sound so good, I also had ham and cook brown beans and b-q- chickren in my menu, for my desert was icebox lemon cake, apple pie and peanut butter brownies and there was 17 of us for dinner. Rain most of the day but we did hide the eggs for the grandkids to find. It was a wonderful day and your sounds wonderful also! Have a great week!!!!!

  5. Linda that's too bad you missed out on that yellow plate rack. I still haven't learned my lesson about buying something right away if I like it....I still do that when I go to flea markets and that's REALLY a bad place to do that. Oh well. If it was new could you ask her to bring another in...or was it an older one painted up? Your Easter dinner sounded delicious and you certainly had a huge crowd to feed. You're very fortunate to have your family living close to you. Mine are all about 1800 miles away! Enjoy your day.
    Maura :)
