Monday, 6 April 2015

Aging clay pots with Moss

                                                           Welcome friends!

Hope everyone's Easter was great. Great times with friends and family!

Ever look at your clay pots....Where am I going with this...
lets back up here.....I looked around the room and
knew I needed a change....but to you ever get like that..somethng's not quite

Looked at my topiaries that I made last year...... looked at the pots they were in ,,,
new right then I needed a change.

Looked around my garden shed to find the right clay pots for this DIY......

Took out my paints...white

There are many tutorials on aging pots . It's so easy just paint on and rub off.....

How easy is that?

That wasn't what I was I was looking for.
I wanted mine to pop!!

Pulled out my bags off moss ($ store) and my Elmer's school glue and  started to

This what I came up with.......

Not too exciting..right.

So I added more moss and then pulled off the moss till I was completed satisfied with the look I was
going for.

Once it dried....I sprayed on........(my secret weapon) HAIRSPRAY!!
Works like a charm,,,,,

                                                         Loved how they turned out!


Liking them on my window sil!

Just needing to update your topiaries.
This is one simple and easy DIY!

Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. They look great! The hairspray is a great idea. I assume it helps them not to shed as much? I sold some quite fake looking topiaries but kept the tall clay pots. I will be keeping this in mind.

  2. Love the beautiful pots...and hairspray?...who would have thought!!

  3. They look great like that! I love how you transformed everyday pots to look old. You're so crafty! I love your topiaries and may try my hand at making some like you did. I'll have to go back and find your tutorial again. I'd like to have more and they can get expensive or difficult to find.

  4. Nice idea ! I like to stencil little butterfly's birds or flowers on my old clay pots then paint them ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  5. Linda these look great. I remembered the hairspray as soon as I read it. Thanks for the reminder


  6. Love them on your window sill as well! :)
